EECP is the short name of “Enhanced external counterpulsation”.
“Enhanced” refers to the equipment that has evolved over decades or research and development to become the state-of-the-art treatment delivery system now used in EECP treatment centers.
“External” means treatment happens outside of your body and doesn’t require surgery.
Before we can understand the term “Counterpulsation,” we have to understand the cardiac cycle, the period from the beginning of one heartbeat to the beginning of the next. The cardiac cycle includes diastole when the heart relaxes and fills with blood, and systole when the heart contracts and pumps blood out to the body
The EECP system compresses your lower limbs to increase blood flow toward your heart. Each wave of pressure is electronically timed to your heartbeat, so that the increased blood flow is delivered to your heart at the precise moment it is relaxing. When the heart pumps again, pressure is released instantaneously. This lowers resistance in the blood vessels of your legs so the blood may be pumped more easily from the heart.
The EECP system pumps when your heart is resting and releases pressure when your heart is pumping(working).EECP just like an external natural heart.Decreasing the amount of work required of your heart muscle.
EECP is an outpatient treatment for patients suffering from chest pain and poor heart function,it’s a noninvasive non-surgical no side effect treatment for angina.EECP develops new pathways around blocked arteries in the heart which become “natural bypass” that helps increase and normalize blood flow to the heart muscle and it will relieve angina.
The treatment schedule includes 7 weeks of continuous treatments, which require daily visits for one hour, Monday through Friday.
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